How to Train Your Dog to Poop in a Designated Area
The easiest way for you to do potty training your dog in the right place is right where they sleep. It can be a cardboard box, a cage, a basket high enough for the puppy not to slip out. Instinctively, puppies try not to poop right where they lie. Therefore, they will show a desire to go out for treatment.
When that need arises, most puppies will leave their bed. Look around the house to find a suitable place to “settle”. So you have to teach them where it's okay and where it's forbidden. With this lesson, you can apply it to many dog breeds such as Phoc, Poodle, Alaskan...
Do not curse or hit them for making a yard in the house. Such punishment will not be effective in teaching. A dog can't see any connection between being punished and pooping in the house. But they associate this with the person who yelled at them. They will think that it is not okay to go around like that in your presence. And then when you're gone, they'll make mistakes again.

Timely reward when the dog does the right thing
After your puppy does a good job, you should reward him immediately. If after 10 minutes outside, they still don't go, bring them back inside. Then put them in their place. Wait another 30 minutes and then take them out again.
If the dog eventually goes outside, then you should implement a “reward strategy” right away. Because if you wait inside the house to reward it, it won't work anymore. Puppies quickly forget. If they entered the house and then received the reward, they would not understand why it was like that.
Must be persistent, have patience. Repeated so many times, can fulfill your wish. Maybe stroke its chin or reward it with a snack. Snacks, dog treats, dog bones that a lot of dogs love to eat.
Make it a habit to go to bed at night
Before it's time for both you and them to go to bed, you should take them outside to go to the bathroom again. Their sleeping place should be quiet and easy to get in and out of. Don't stay in a hard-to-find corner. If they start whining at night, it might be time to go outside again.
Taking the dog outside should not be noisy or playful. Do not encourage them to have the habit of going to the toilet at that time. If after the job is done, they still whine, then you should ignore it. This time they did it just to get attention. Teach them that night is the time to go to sleep, not always.

How to teach a dog to go to the toilet in the right place on a piece of paper
This way of toilet training your dog in the right place will help your puppy get used to going to the toilet on a piece of paper, pad or newspaper. Spread them out where you want the dog to “go” in. You should choose places that are easy to clean like the kitchen or bathroom. Do not choose a place near where the puppy plays, eats or sleeps. The reason is because dogs tend to keep their living areas clean.
After you have spread a few sheets of paper on the selected location, observe the behavior of the dog. If they show signs of wanting to go to the toilet, bring them closer to that area. Signs that a dog wants to go to the toilet are: sniffing around, running around, trying to find the right place to "act".
When the puppies have gone up the paper do not forget to reward them. Wait for the smell of "waste" to permeate the lower sheets of paper, remove the dirty paper and replace it with a clean one. Note that clean paper is placed under the paper that has absorbed the smell. Next time, the dog will easily "sniff" and will "walk" back to the same place. This way to teach the dog to go to the toilet in the right place needs to be repeated every day because puppies forget very quickly.
If the puppy forgets the lesson, patiently take the urine-scented paper and place it on the other sheets. When they urinate in the wrong place, use a deodorant spray to clear the traces. Puppies will no longer be able to sniff out where they went to the wrong bathroom.
How to train a dog not to poop in the cage
With this toilet training method, you will teach your dog to keep the sleeping area clean. In order for your puppy to start getting used to the crate, you should put a few favorite toys in the crate.
If the dog has to stay in the crate for too long, they may not be able to resist the need to go to the bathroom. Get the puppy out of the crate as soon as possible. Then teach the dog to come out and train it to return to the crate on its own. Then continue to train the dog to go to the toilet in the right place to form a habit for them.
It is possible to build a fixed timetable for them. Once they have established a habit, they will become self-aware and adjust their behavior. And there will be no more unfortunate incidents. Similarly, you can teach your dog to distinguish between sleeping places, crates, eating places, etc. They will not go out of their way to those areas on their own.
If the training is successful, you may not need to close the cage door and still have peace of mind. When it needs to sleep, your dog will know to go to the crate. On the contrary, when it needs to go to the toilet, your dog will go out and go to the right place.