How to Stop Bearded Dragons From Glass Surfing
Bearded dragons are popular pet lizards that exhibit a variety of interesting activities like head bobbing, weaving, and performing pushups. However, contrary to popular opinion, not all of these activities imply that a bearded dragon is a content. Glass surfing is an example of an acute activity that is also a sign that something is amiss and needs to be addressed.
Glass Surfing in Bearded Dragons: What Is It?

Glass surfing describes a lizard's frenzied attempt to climb up the side of its habitat. Glass surfing, also known as glass dancing, is when a lizard rubs its belly against the glass of its tank while paddling its small legs as if it were body surfing on the glass. The bearded dragon will also be standing on its hind legs as if attempting to escape.
Glass-Surfing Bearded Dragons: Why Do They Do It?
Reptile forums are frequently populated by pet owners who speculate on why bearded dragons glass surf. While these thoughts are diverse, they all have one thing in common: they are all caused by stress. Glass surfing is regarded to be a stress response, and a bearded dragon could be stressed for a variety of reasons:
A bearded dragon might become stressed if its enclosure or tank is too small for it.
Even though they are not kept together, another bearded dragon can be viewed as competition and create stress in a bearded dragon.
New vivarium decorations or rearranging the vivarium might be stressful.
Stress can be caused by a person feeling intimidated by their own reflection in a mirror.
A bearded dragon can become stressed if it is boring or hungry.
A bearded dragon might be stressed by a poor substrate, lighting, or temperature.
Any one of these factors, or a combination of them, may cause your bearded dragon to feel stressed, causing it to glass surf. Bearded dragons aren't the only ones who enjoy glass surfing. When stressed, many pet reptiles and even fish glass surf for many of the same reasons.
Bearded Dragons are prone to stress.
Aside from glass surfing, if the color of your bearded dragon darkens or turns black, it's likely anxious. On the beard, this is particularly noticeable.
If a bearded dragon has a black beard, a recent change involving it, even if it was perceived to be a beneficial development, could be the source of worry. Changing the position of the enclosure, relocating the dragon to a new or larger tank, or introducing a new bearded dragon into its line of sight, for example, can all put a bearded dragon under stress. The source of stress could be something as seemingly little as the person who normally looks after the bearded dragon going on vacation for a week.
Glass Surfing and Health Concerns

There's no medical reason to be concerned about glass surfing, apart from the fact that the bearded dragon is probably anxious. Veterinary assistance should be sought if the dragon isn't eating or shedding well, becomes lethargic, or there are reasons to fear it is sick.
Stopping Glass Surfing
Because bearded dragons glass surf when they're agitated, stopping the habit might be difficult if the source of the tension is unknown. Unnecessary alterations in a bearded dragon's surroundings should be avoided as much as possible. The following are some particular strategies to help stop glass surfing:
If a new object in the enclosure recently initiated the glass surfing behavior, the items in the enclosure should be returned to their original state before the glass surfing began. This may entail removing a new decoration from the tank or ensuring that a bearded dragon cannot see a new reptile brought into the house.
If a full-grown bearded dragon is housed in a tank that is less than 55 gallons, the tank may be too tiny. Because the limited enclosure could be the cause of the glass surfing, a larger tank should be explored.
If tanks are swapped, the surroundings should be made as similar to the original as possible. Items should be placed in the same approximate area as in the original tank. Items may be more dispersed, but with as few modifications as possible, a sense of home and familiarity can still be conveyed.
If a bearded dragon is glass surfing, it may just require more attention or stimulation. A bearded dragon should be given plenty of daily enrichment. If it enjoys being handled, additional time outside the tank may be required.
To stay happy and healthy, a bearded dragon needs proper lighting, humidity, and ambient temperatures. Day and night cycles that are off, temperatures that are too hot or too cold, and habitats that are excessively damp or dry can all cause stress in a bearded dragon.
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